Web3 for Everyone

Frictionless, Simple, Powerful

Koinos is engineered to deliver a user experience for everyday people.


Kollection is a full featured NFT marketplace that allows creators to launch and sell their products.


KoinDX is the world's first decentralized exchange built on the Koinos blockchain.


Koiner is the Koinos' community favorite block explorer giving users insights into chain statistics.


KoinCity is a token launchpad with features including staking and social interaction.

Ecosystem Highlights

An Ever-Evolving Ecosystem

With new and innovative dApps popping up every week, Koinos facilitates a bright future for Web3. Check out the ecosystem page to learn about more great projects.

  • Onboard new users with free accounts and allow them to interact with your dApp without cryptocurrency

  • Tap into the community to bootstrap your ideas and bring them to fruition


Building the Future of Web3

Koinos is a decentralized project governed by the community. Exciting new community projects emerge regularly, reflecting the diversity of thought and creativity of the Koinos community.

Built for Developers

Built for Entrepreneurs

Built for Users


Shape the future of the protocol by joining us on Telegram.


Collaborate with Web3 engineers and validators on Discord.


Stay up-to-date with the latest developments by following us on X.


Visit the community page to discover Koinos international and dApp groups.

Token Allocation

Fair Launched

Koinos' initial supply was created through a one year Proof-of-Work mining contract on the Ethereum blockchain. Coins remain claimable on Koinos' main net for all participants.

Fair Launch

No Locked Coins

100% Publicly Allocated

Token Allocation

Where to get KOIN

Find Koinos on Exchanges Across the Globe

News & Updates

Stay Updated with the Latest News on our Medium Blog

The Koinos Advantage

Koinos is Engineered to Provide a Web2 User Experience on Web3

Smart Contracts without Fees

Just like the internet! The Koinos Mana system allows you to use the blockchain without spending, or even holding, ANY tokens. Mana recharges over time and can be shared with others. Koinos lowers the barrier with feeless smart contracts!

A Web2 User Experience on Web3

Our innovative Mana system recharges like a battery, enabling applications to allow feeless transactions for you and the only cost to them is waiting for their "battery" to recharge. This unique approach offers a truly frictionless user experience.

Upgradable / Evolving Blockchain

The entire blockchain is highly modular and is the first chain with consensus and governance built from smart contracts. Anything including the core features of the blockchain can be upgraded with ease. No more "Eth 2.0-style" delays.

Lightning Fast

With a 3 second block times, Koinos offers a near realtime experience for both applications and you, the user. This provides critical responsiveness needed to facilitate a Web2 experience on Web3.

Microservices Architecture

Koinos is one of the very few blockchains to leverage a microservice architecture. As a developer you can build custom microservices in all major languages. No more monolithic codebases.

Universal Language Support

A growing number of smart contract languages are added thanks to the KVM (Koinos Virtual Machine) implementation of WebAssembly (WASM) and Google’s protocol buffers (Protobuf). Today you can get started with the popular languages TypeScript and C++.

Blockchain Statistics

A Powerful Decentralized Network for a Growing Ecosystem



Total number of activated accounts



Total number of blocks produced



Total number of transactions performed


Koinos Wallets Bring Cutting-Edge Technology to Everyone


Full featured Koinos wallet for Google Chrome


Full featured native mobile wallet for Android/iOS


A Look at the Path Ahead

Koinos Announced
Prior to the launch of the ERC-20 mining process which created the initial supply of KOIN, Koinos was announced publicly a month in advance on several popular platforms including bitcointalk.org, Medium, X, and SteemIt.
Proof-of-Work Initial Supply Distribution
To bootstrap our ecosystem and unique consensus algorithm, the initial supply of KOIN was mined publicly on the Ethereum blockchain.
A simplified test network was launched to both prove out architecture of the Koinos Blockchain Framework and improve system stability during development.
Koinos Command Line Interface (CLI)
An advanced command-line wallet was developed in order to facilitate blockchain interactions prior to the development of user facing tools.
Proof-of-Burn Development
The implementation for Proof-of-Burn began and was later deployed on our test network without the need for a hardfork. This was a major milestone and Proof-of-Concept.
Protobuf Integration
Using industry standard tooling is important for developer adoption. Protocol buffers was chosen due to its support in a wide variety of languages and market dominance.
Decentralized Governance Development
We believe in the benefits of decentralized, at the same time, we understand that the blockchain must evolve with the ecosystem. A decentralized governance solution was developed to faciliate upgrades to the protocol without a centralized authority.
Mana System Development
In order to deliver a user experience designed for everyday people -- we needed to eliminate transaction fees. The revolutionary mana system handles blockchain resources unlike any other blockchain.
Mainnet Go-Live (November 5th)
After all necessary features were developed and tested, the Koinos main network was launched live on YouTube on November 5th.
Microservice Improvements
During the first year of the Koinos main network, each microservice was worked on in order to improve stability and performance.
First In-band Upgrade
Bugs happen. A regression was identified in one of the core tokens, VHP. Thankfully, the bug was not exploited and we had the opportunity to utilize our in-band upgrade and governance system to patch the issue without stopping the chain.
The 3rd party microservice, REST API, was adopted into the core package of microservices with minor modifications. It offered a much better developer experience than our existing JSON-RPC microservice.
KOIN & VHP KCS-4 Upgrade
Our original vision of smart wallets for everyone did not come to fruition. A baseline of security was demanded by the community. That led to the development of the KCS-4 standard and the upgrade of core tokens.
Mempool v1.5
Developers need to increment nonces when sending subsequent transactions. This is an unnecessary burden on the developer. The mempool will be improved to assist developers and move that burden onto the Koinos cluster.


Public Snapshots
We have had some developers at different times upload Koinos snapshots for general use. However, we have never had a dedicated service for this. It will benefit the entire community if official snapshots are generated and shared.
The Koinos REST API has been a great addition to our infrastructure. Enhancements need to be made so it has feature parity with JSON-RPC and more to better meet developer needs.
Authority System v2
The idea behind letting contracts define their own authorization logic is a fantastic feature of Koinos, but this feature remains underutilized because the design is complicated and difficult to explain to developers. The entire system will be simplified so it easier to use for developers.
Client Libraries
Some of the most requested library languages, from developers and partners, are Python and Golang. With the updated REST API, we want to create client libraries for these languages and many more to reach developers where they are currently at.
Koinos currently has two SDKs for building smart contracts, C++ and Assembly Script (AS). We will create a C SDK which will not only give developers yet another powerful option for writing smart contracts, it will also lay the foundation for adding even more languages in the future and creating an even better C++ SDK.
VSCode Extension
An important tool that Koinos is missing is a full integrated development environment (IDE). This extension will provide a first party experience, streamlining and simplifying the development, testing, and deployment of Koinos smart contracts making it even easier to build on Koinos.

Beyond 🚀

After the C SDK, we want to recreate a new and improved C++ SDK. This is the simplest language to do this with, but will ensure we have designed the C SDK well enough to be used as a core for future SDKs.
Rust SDK
Rust also supports calling C functions and is an increasingly popular language, especially within the crypto space. By adding Rust support, we can extend our reach to even more developers and demonstrate the flexibility of the Koinos VM.
WASM VM Optimizations
We will analyze the current state of WASM VMs and test different VMs for performance and compatibility with Koinos. As a result of improved performance, we will be able to increase resource budgets, which will decrease mana costs for all transactions.
Data Store Microservice
The data store microservice will be a replacement microservice for the block store, transaction store, and account history. Running a Koinos node will require considerably less disk space than it currently does.
Redundant Microservices
Improve scaling and redundancy for microservices within the Koinos cluster. By adding support for scaling individual microservices, nodes in enterprise environments become more performant and redundant.
Optimistic Execution of Transactions
Allowing unrelated transactions to execute in parallel will drastically improve throughput of the Koinos blockchain. The work needed to implement this optimization will allow the framework to interact with transactions in more ways that help create building blocks that will enable drastic improvements in the future.
Dynamic Sharding
Dynamic sharding allows the blockchain to split into smaller pieces based on usage. Block producers then become responsible for a subset of the whole blockchain while ensuring sufficient overlap to guarantee consistency and decentralization.